toronto art cats

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  • aliendn

    i've never really been to any art shows, but a couple of weeks ago one of my friends was spinning at gladstone hotel, and in my stupor we went by some gallery along the same street dufferin (gladstone is at queen st and dufferin) and we go into this place and all the art had something to do with oprah winferey?!! i mean there was stuff like oprah busts, and a bunch of well done paintings but of oprah with all these animals around her like some scenes in the wilderness or something. it was hilarious man, like pics of oprah chilling with lions and tigers and stroking lion's mane. anyone know what im talking about? it was interesting...never been to a gallery like that, it was late and u were allowed to smoke in it.

  • mr_snuggles0

    you saw oprahs boobs??

  • aliendn0

    haha it was a bust man, the first thing i said to my friend was "hey man, is that to scale? if i touch that, can i tell people that i touched oprah's boobs" then i got nervous if i said that too loud in front of some snooty people that rolled their eyes