Indesign Text Formatting

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  • CFish

    A quick question...I'm putting together a hefty doc in Indesign and the Contents page is huge. It is split into two columns and I want the formatting to just have section number on left and title and then the page number to range right (a regular Contents page basically). I want the text to be able to flow over to the next page too. Shall I use tables or tabs or...I'm stuck.

  • airey0

    ah, sorry if i've not understood what you're after correctly.

    surely you just need to use tabs to place the text (use left-align, center and right-align tabs) and then link the text boxes. the text will flow and you can create a paragraph style sheet called TOC (table of content) to streamline the process. make a standard 'body copy' style sheet first and apply to all the text then select the TOC text only and apply the TOC style sheet. that way all the text that is flowed on won't have the toc tabs auto applied.