flash : ok in firefox, not in ie

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  • 1 Response
  • UndoUndo0

    strange one. I'd check your naming conventions are all good. no spaces or special characters and always start your swf with a lowercase letter i.e mySwfFile.swf

    good luck

  • Sargas

    Very strange problem over here...

    We have made a new 100% flash site for a client. Not too complicated, but linked to a database. The site is made of several swf launched by a menu.
    So, the problem is : in internet explorer (last version of both ie and flash player) some swf don't load at all... But in firefox, everything works fine! (which is great for me, but probably won't be that great for the client...)
    I can't

    Any idea ? I have never heard or encountered such a problem.

    (I can't give you any url, because it's running on a private server.)