Pillow Fight UK
Pillow Fight UK
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- 15 Responses
- Gordy22
Any one participating in this pillow fight outsite St Pauls tonight?
Details here:
http://london.flavourpill.net/ma…I want too but work in wanky Putney so can't get there in time...
- ad10
haha feathers everywhere!
- Wendall0
looks quite a gas. i'm in!
- iLotion0
Damn - And this is the only day I haven't brought a pillow to work!
- iLotion0
Damn - And this is the only day I haven't brought a pillow to work!
- HumanMale0
I'm not.
- mirola0
did anyone see this?
- agentfour0
nope but it was in the newspaper this morning
- SlashPeckham0
i wish i still had my air gun
- karlo0
Gordy - where you work in Putney??
- save0
I wonder if anyone put anything heavy in their pillow?
- DutchBoy0
- mirola0
- ad10
i searched this morning and couldn't see any
- Gordy220
London : Unique to say the least - article on the afore mentioned fight...