security help

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  • myobie

    In case you don't want to read all of this, I want to know what a good coldfusion mx host is that is sas70 certified?

    I don't usually rant, but

    I am doing a site for a bank.
    They picked a host.
    Host said, yeah we got this and this technology available.
    We used this and this technology to make the site rich and dynamic and very editable. It has it's own CMS pretty much.
    Host now says, we didn't really know what you were talking about when you said this and this technology and we have decided to turn those features off and not allow you to use those anymore even though we let you use those in testing for weeks and in production for a day.
    What the...

    What should I do?
    Should I ask for the money we already paid them back?
    Should I shoot my computer?

    I really just want to find a host that can do what I want and not be a prick about anything and still be sas70 this possible?