file swapping fools

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  • SLAZ

    they have time to work ad pass a bill on this...something that obviously people need to make more money...…

    but dont have time to pass or even consider resigning a bill that bans automatic weapons on the streets...

    priorities people... i wonder how many people in the political parties have iPods and "shared" music

  • dcdomain0

    Well honestly, how do the politicians benefit from concentrating on violence the streets? Obviously, the big corporations pull more weight than us common folk.

  • normal0

    I've always rolled my eyes at stories like this, mostly due to the fact that the companies who complain the most still do not seem to understand the worldwide nature of these networks. For instance, they put copy protected cd's out in the UK for some band but in Europe they release it without copy protection. Do they think people share files only in the country they live in? Same goes for these laws. They are rooted in the idea of borders and physical boundries however as we all know the nature of the internet is the opposite of that there are no borders or physical boundries, If in the US a law such as this gets passed it does fuck all to stop it.

    Hot air.