Flash Movie Publish Problem...

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  • Nematoth


    I got a Flash movie.. 12KB published filesize.. but it takes about 30 seconds to publish.. any ideas why this could is soooo slow... ??

  • frankbb0

    does it do this on any other movies you try to publish...

    if so its because flash is crap

    if not - it might because you have images it there that are getting compress, lots of code? and flash is still crap!

  • Nematoth0

    thanks for the useful information on how crap Flash is.. I think you have SOLVED my problem.... you're so clever..

    I happen to think it's the best piece of software to come out in the last few years actually.. and so cheap also.. anyways...

    It doesn't happen to any of my other movies.. just this one.. there is a fair bit of code.. but not too much.. no images .. all vectors..

    Even tried saving and compressing.. copying and pasting whole timeline to new file and testing.. no difference..

    Cleaned out library.. no diff..

    I am on version 7.2.. wondered if that might be an issue....