Your 5 favorite

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  • k0na_an0k

    movie scenes.

    I don't think this has been done before. I feel as though it says a lot about a person. Mine.

    1) The scene from the natural when he hits the last home run and the lights are exploding with the music and you see the reflection on the coaches glasses as a metaphor of him crying.

    2) Rowdy Roddy Piper - They live. "I came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and right now I'm all out of bubble gum." Then just starts shooting the hell out of everyone.

    3) The scene with John Belushi in Animal House. "Over?!? Did somebody say over?!? Was it over when the Germans bombed pearl harbor?!?..." God I love that part.

    4) Caddy Shack, Bill Murray when he goes into the story about golfing with "The Dali Lama himself". So funny I want to laugh through the entire bit but I can't because I HAVE to listen to it.

    5) Star Wars when the Millenium Falkon appears at the end. Gives me chills every time.


    I'll even give you 5 more.

    6) Spiderman II. After Peter Parker makes his return as Spider Man and he's swinging through the city cheering himself. With the music and the moment a tear damn near came to my eye.

    7) Commando. The last fight scene with Arnold. "The gun John,... hahaha.... I don't need the gun John (all crazy) then they fight. In the end Arnold throws the pipe through the guy and says "Let off some steam."

    8) Warriors. The scene where the guy is like "WAAAAaaariOOOrs... come out and plAAAAaaAAEEAAAyyyYY! Great scene.

    9) Van Wilder. Where he drives up in the Golf cart and she's standing there and in the best tone and manner says "are you following me... cause if so... that would be super" and then the look on her face.... AAAH!

    10) Zoolander. The gas station scene and just before it. I laugh just thinking about it.

    So.... what are yours.

  • mr_snuggles0

    3 scenes from Gummo:

    1) the one where the dudes are getting drunk and rowdy in the kitchen and start wrestling chairs

    2) The scene where Chloe Sevigny and her sister are watching that guy play tennis and talking about how dreamy he is

    3) The scene where Harmony Korrine is hitting on the black midget

    Ah, the whole damn movie is just so funny...

  • chossy0

    in no particular order

    1. In clerks when this guy who knows the shop keepers ex says ' don't take this the wrong way but I used to fuck her' how shan is that!!

    2. I the matrix 3 when they are shooting the squidies and the leader guy is shouting aswell that is quality.

    3. The bit in uturn when jlo is getting pumped.

    4. The end of the killing feilds when the journalist meets up with dith pran again the most emotional I have ever been.

    5. Dragnet with tom hanks when they are prancing around the police office in massive sheepskin chaps.

  • mitsu0

    the winkies scene in mulholland drive.

    the cowboy visit in mulholland drive

    play-by-play narration of grandma death checking her mail again, in donnie darko

    any scene from the royal tennenbaums

    too many to list...

  • DutchBoy0

    "The end of the killing feilds when the journalist meets up with dith pran again the most emotional I have ever been."

    i agree.

  • vwsung18t0

    the scene in wet hot american summer when they go into town and they start having regular whole some fun and then it leads to heroine abuse and the withdrawal afterwards and they go back to the camp all happy that they went into town

  • DutchBoy0

    i have to think real hard about mine..

    but quite a few scenes from "La Haine" anyway.

    arrgh, i tend to forget them.. need some context to memorize..

  • gruntt0

    each and every scene from The Royal Tenenbaums

    (god i luv that movie)

  • mg330

    Great question!

    In no particular order:

    1) Heat -
    Diner scene with DeNiro and Pacino

    2) Seven -
    Restroom scene with Pitt and Freeman where Freeman says "If John Doe's head splits open and a UFO flys out, don't say we didn't expect it."

    3) American Beauty -
    Don't tell me for a second that you didn't want to be in Kevin Spacey's place when Mena Suvari was laying on that couch towards the end. :D

    4 - Lost in Translation -
    Scene with Murray and Scarlett Johansson where they fall asleep in bed together after talking. Something very powerful there to the viewer, you somewhat expect them to make out, but instead it's just a very moving moment of human comfort, trust and friendship.

    5 - Armageddon -
    Scene where Bruce Willis decides to stay on the asteroid and send Affleck back to earth to be with his daughter.
    Honestly, I know the movie is cheesy and all, but that scene is amazing. You're a father and you decide to die so you're daughter can be happy.
    That's intense.

  • mg330

    Kona I just watched warriors for the first time last week. great movie!

    I'll have to add to Caddyshack:
    scene at the end where the tournament is over and Dangerfield says "Hey everybody! We're all gonna get laid!!"
    And everyone shouts Hooray!!!! And his clubs go shooting out the bag.

  • -_MU_-0

    In no order:

    1. Trainspotting
    Right after begbie glassess the girl in the bar, he walks down the stairs shooting his mouth off. Rnadom bloke says: "who the f**k are you?" and begbie screams and kicks him in the nuts. Funny as f**k!

    2 Shogun Assassin
    Masters of Death scene at the end rules.

    3 Attack of the clones
    Yoda does kung fu – nuff said

    4 Matrix
    Do you think that’s air you’re breathing now?

    5. Fist of fury
    When bruce Lee goes into the japanese dojo, totally flips out and kicks seven guys in 2 seconds. That rocks hard.

    But I’ll have prolly changed my mind by next week!

  • pascii0

    requiem for a dream - almost every second of that film

    clockwork orange - specially the scene where you see the droogs for the first time in the moloko bar

    blade runner - the scenes wheere the giant tvscreen helicopter appears and you can hear the sound

    lost highway - when henry rollins walks dressed as a cop past the cells

    dead poets society - when the boy shoots himself

  • unfittoprint0

    #1 Faust by Murnau: last scene with the Arcangel Gabriel and Mephisto: "LOVE!"

    #2 LA HAINE: last scene, these words follwoed by the fatal shot:
    "C'est l'histoire d'une société qui tombe et qui au fur et à mesure de sa chute se répète sans cesse pour se rassurer: "Jusqu'ici tout va bien, jusqu'ici tout va bien, jusqu'ici tout va bien...". Mais l'important c'est pas la chute... c'est l'aterrisage."

    #3 'La elle et La Bête", by eanne Cocteau: the dining scene. Breathtaking.

    #4 After Hours by Martin Scorcese: so many memorable parts.... I choose the travelling camera in the end.

    #5 Raging Bull: "I coulda been a contender". 'nuff said.

    so many more. so little time.

  • sutuoba0

    Dumb and Dumber.
    restaurant scene where they stuff the burger with hot peppers.."hows your buger?" "eat up and I'll tell ya"

    Fight Club.
    when pit is explaining what fight club is to Lou.. then lou beats the shit out of him while he howls with mad laughter.

    Matrix 1.
    the fight in the subway when neo "starts to believe"

    Shawshank Redemtion.
    Get busy living, or get busy dying. That's goddamn right.

  • ronnypudding0

    1. THE BAD NEWS BEARS the end, when they tell the other team to shove that trophy up their ass. I get teary-eyed.

    2. FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH when phoebe flops out them boobs.

    3. SOMETHING WILD the entire highschool reunion sequence gives me chills.

    4. BOOGIE NIGHTS every single second

  • brandelec0

    1. Lost in Translation - the ending from when Bill and Scarlett are in the elevator and they kiss each other goodbye twice, because they weren't on the right floor yet to the credits

    2. Braveheart - when wallace screams freedom instead of mercy

    3. Bladerunner - Batty's speech in the end, 'I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...'

    4. Heat - the bank robbery shootout getaway

    5. Apocalypse Now - every scene with brando

  • mg330

    I have more!

    1. Fast Times at Ridgemont High - Z-28 Car scene with Spicolli and Charles Jefferson's little brother:

    br: Hey Spicollo, you seen the new Playboy?
    Sp: Naah, isit good?
    br: Bo Derrick's tits! I like sex!
    Sp: Awesome!
    --->Car Crash!!

    2) Best in Show -
    Scene where the husband starts screaming "Run!! Run and get Busy Bee!!"

    3) Magnolia -
    Tom Cruise motivation speaking scenes. And so many people I know HATE that movie.

    4. Explorers -
    (Going way back to youth)
    Scene where they finally get their homeade spaceship off the ground and fly over their town. That movie is one of my favorites from being a kid. Wish it would come out on DVD.

    5 - Apocalypse Now
    Beach surf scene. Pure beauty.
    Why has no one said that yet!

  • mr_snuggles0

    Meet the Parents

    When Ben Stiller is simulating how he used to milk cats on his parents farm

  • mg330

    brandelec - nice one with the heat bank robbery. I forgot that. Will always be one of my top 5 favorite movies. Very underrated movie.

  • mr_snuggles0

    Heat is a fantastic movie, just thought I'd hop on the bandwagon.

  • danthon0

    Ummmm I really have to think about this...

    Just yesterday I was reminded of Unforgiven. When the empty whiskey bottle drops to the muddy rain soaked ground and William Money walks toward the saloon for the final showdown.