Designer Interview Questions
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- Gordy22
Anyone got any good, proven interview questions when interviewing for a Web Designers Position. Things like 'what are you inspirations' etc. Taking my first interview in an hour or so and stuck for what to ask 'em.
- praktiv0
I recently interviewd somewhere and was asked...
"In one sentence, what is the most influencial/important project you have worked on and why?"
- mitsu0
"list some practical uses for comic sans"
this is, of course, a trick question.
- Gordy220
Prak - nice, Mitsu - quality.
- praktiv0
ohhhh - thats a good one mitsu. Sneeeeeeeaky!
"If the moon was made os spare ribs, would ya eat it?"
- torres0
I think questions about mistakes and how they’ve learned from them are useful. Also ask about what they do in their spare time. Do they go home and design, meaning would they be doing this even if it didn’t pay?
- torres0
I think questions about mistakes and how they’ve learned from them are useful. Also ask about what they do in their spare time. Do they go home and design, meaning would they be doing this even if it didn’t pay?
- vespa0
for my interview i had to spend 15 minutes in a public place (eg train station) and observe people interacting, making suggestions on how design could improve their interactions and taking 2 photos / drawings to document my observations.
my friend had to use information diagrams to visually explain to an alien how to make a cup of tea
- vespa0
also the obvious ones:
what is the design process you work to?
how do you keep up to date with developments in the industry? have you read any articles recently related to the industry, what was it about and what is your opinion on that issue?
have you been in a situation of conflict before - how did you deal with it?
have you ever had to convince a client to do / not do something? how did you convince them?
also you should ask them what work your company has done that made them apply for the job - that way you know they have researched your company and you're not just one on a list of 50.
- Mimio0
So Praktiv,
Did you answer "whatever project I'm currently working on" ?Somehow that question frames that answer to me.
- praktiv0
Yeah. As all designers, we should constantly try to rethink our process and adapt to the space in which the project will be represented in. In saying that, I think it is good to have a loose set of design principles that can be constantly molded and reformed into something new and fresh.
In saying that, you are exactly right Mimio, whatever project I am working on at the moment is the most important as I am (like many other designers) trying communicate in a clear, consise way the message that invites the end-user to learn more - possibly something new.
- praktiv0
BTW, sorry for the rambling post... :')
- zombiewoof0
cmon have some fun,
i almost had a junior designer interviewee pee their pants when i asked "if you were a typeface, what typeface would you be" with a straight face.
*appologies to barbra walters.
- DutchBoy0
in three words, tell us about you and your life and inspirations.
- canuck0
I was asked to guess how many gasoline stations there are in canada once (what does this have to do with design?)
I didn't get the job, guess I got the question wrong.;
- brandelec0
if we hire you, would you refuse to get a tatoo of our logo on the back of your neck?