NBC Athens Olympics

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  • angryspongebath

    I had the opportunity to enhance the satellite imagery being used for the NBC Athens Olympics' coverage, within the model of the company that I work for - and in alliance with our sister company RealSite - and in an additional alliance with Digital Globe.

    The imagery retains its scientific accuracy, allowing for accurate and realistic 3D modelling in RealSite, which can then be utilized to produce representational as well as scientific practices for various agencies within the event.

    The models and representations will be used not only for broadcast representative views of the venues and their surroundings, but also for security agencies, and civil agencies operating within the event.

    If you'd like to see what RealSite's capabilities are, please visit the following URL:


    I am a Photoshop expert who works for a recently aquired commercial entity by Harris Corp. I have a design and graphic arts background, but have found an opportunity to work within the satellite imagery field.

    This post was only meant as a note, so that anyone interested can see an example that will be broadcast to the public. This is also one of the rare opportunities that I've had, where I can share my current work with the public.