Wonderful Foul Play

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  • 2 Responses
  • ok_jason

    This is my friend Donovan's genius in action.

    Hello Everybody,

    Here's the deal: go to www.GeorgeWBush.com
    and sign up to be a volunteer. Use false info if you
    want (I didn't), just get registered. Once inside,
    there is a veritable treasure trove of wonderful
    sabotage opportunities.

    My favorite is the letter writing campaign. Just
    click on the "Send Voters Letters" link on the right
    hand side of the page, check a focus group at the
    top of the page, and write a well-thought out and
    respectful ANTI-BUSH letter. Click the submit
    button and a PDF document comes up with your
    letter addressed to 10 voters Bush-Cheney '04
    has presumably determined to be undecided.
    Print out the letters, shell out a couple bucks for
    stamps, drop them in a mailbox, and voila! 10
    swing voters in battleground states will receive a
    personal message from a fellow American on why
    they will NOT be voting for Bush.

    There are a whole bunch of other possibilities for
    anti-Bush activity on the site, but this seems to be
    the most direct. If you find any other quick and
    easy sabotage opportunities, please let me know.

    Also, forward this to as many people as you can.



  • ok_jason0

    what this fuck.? how did this get posted as if it was me posting..?

    I'm telling.

  • jevad0

    this is awesome - please post in politics thread!