"What's Your Budget?"

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  • abba_cadaver

    Im looking to convince my boss of changing the way we price design services. Right now we give a set price for each service. He says he has to do this because nobody wants to reveal their budget and they won't stick around for negotiations if they can't get a feel for price on the phone or website. I understand this but, everyone is different sometimes they won't need an ad they really need a direct mail campaign or combo of something maybe its more complex than the price we have set. How does your company handle this? Do you give a price, get them on board and then upsale an idea? or what?

    Sorry it's so long

  • JazX0

    IMO, It'll greatly vary depending on how large your org is, etc, etc, etc. Corporate vs. Small Fries, etc.

  • kld0

    estimate a ballpark fig. then explain you work on time and materials. if theyy don't understand they'll be a pain in ass client and they ot worth messing with. All my clients that ask for a set price turn out to be worthless because they always want more than originally asked for. Time and materials!