Recent books

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  • rasko4

    read any books recently that you would recommend?

    mine would be:
    Notes from Underground - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    Doctor Glas - Hjalmar Söderberg

  • save0

    His next ones out soon "paradise City", can't wait…

  • carver0

    here's some of my faves at the mo, not fuckin cheap either....all hardback also!!!

    Having Their Marcus Alexander, Adjunct Professor of Strategy, London Business School >> that's a good read, and thick as fuck, the burds on the train always stare at me, think i'm a real scholar of bishnesh and subsequently LOADED!!!! works every time when snakes hips carver meanders over to the 'sirens rocks"
    this is a benchmark>>
    Leading the Professionals Professor Michael Osbaldeston
    PROF> MICHAEL..that sounds achievable hahahahah
    Shut Up and Listen! Shirley Conran ..a chicks books but you know!

    Clicks, Bricks and Brands Martin Lindstrom

    The END OF RACISM: Principles for a Multiracial Society

    Stigma and Sexual Orientation : Understanding Prejudice against Lesbians, Gay Men and Bisexuals by Gregory Herek

    all good, all quite costly tho'...the last two i had to get them FEDEX'D from the US OF A....nearly cost £110 for transit alone!

    daft eh??