Recruitment agents

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  • 11 Responses
  • MR_T

    I generally freelance for people that I have worked with in the I have only used them once in the past 2 years..however, I am going to have a rant here.

    Why is it that lying and deceit seems to be part of their personal repetoire. I know for a fact that they outright lie about positions and roles, in order to get people to fill the positions on their books. The whole idea of consulting, acutally providing a service, is a joke. They add no value to the recruitment process what-so-ever...the only value they add is their commission.

    Further to that, when times are good and companies need workers, they become the arbitor of design,w hen really they're just failed tea-boys with half a marketing degree from some bullshit college.

  • richsteph0

    They are all rubish! They always lie about salaries. Ive been to interviews organised by agents for jobs only to find out that the real salary is half what the agent said. I wouldn't get have even bothered going if i kew the truth.

    How they benefit from their actions i do not know.

  • MrBixler0

    All agents are parasites

  • MR_T0

    I have been offered job by them, as I am tryng to go back to fulltime from freelance at the moment. And then subsequently freelanced at the place they have tried to place me at though contacts within the firm.

    And then realised that the agent has blatently lied about the position. Whereas the agent tried to sell it to me, the actual company told me when I was working for them that I would be far too senior for that role.

    Just goes to show that the agents neither listen nor take onboard anythign the client or the candidate says.

    Yet to find that acutally listens, ever.

  • BeachBoy0

    I am compelled to respond to this, even though by doing so I am setting myself up for a potential barrage of abuse! But hey ho, I'm bored at work!

    Yes, I am an agent, and to be honest I agree with what has been said! I hate the fact my job title is Recruitmetn consultant - christ, all I do all day is play snap! Get a job spec, match CV's to said job spec, phone up candidate (can he do the job? f*cked if I know, he's got the qualification) send CV, arrange interview, close client on behalf of candidate!

    Job done, whopping cheque in my back burner!

    Damn, I live an empty life, but considering I've got a degree in HR, I took the best option I think!

    On a serious note, there are a large amount of a*seholes out there, pretending to care and help candidates when in truth they couldn't give a monkeys arse! Which does give us a bad name!

    I thank the lord I can realise this in my colleagues, and decide not to be like that!

    I will happily prove you all wrong and help any of you get gainful employment. (I have already helped a fellow NT'er to get a great job, he was grateful and the client is happy! I won't disclose the name of the NT'er just in case they want to distance themselves from it all!

    But if you really want to vent some anger go to

    Its funny if nothing else

  • gsd0

    I second all that - I've had two occasions in the past month with the same recruiter and it's all a big bloody joke - they've lied, kept info from me, been lax in keeping me up to date and I know a lot of companies end up turning away employees from recruitment agencies cause of the ridiculous comission! I've had to take a massive cut in rates today just to take a job on cause the guy couldn't afford the commission!

  • MR_T0

    Beachy, no offence intended or any slur should be considerered directed on your personally.

    I am yet to meet any decent one, ever and I have met quite a few.

    In about 6 weeks time I am going to want to move back into fulltime work. And I know for a fact that it will doubtfull that an agent actually finds me the a position in a firm that I would want to stay at for the next 4-5 years.

  • BeachBoy0

    None taken mate

    Is it possible nowadays for anyone to find any job that they can categorically say, I will be happy here for 5-6 years!

    A bit of useless information, the National average length of time people stay in Permanent employment is...18 months. Which I think is a crazy statistic, but its true...

  • MR_T0

    The point I was trying to make is I actually want some sort of longevity to the role, and all the things that come with it, like position, responasability, career path, etc..if not, I may aswell stay freelance. I earn more money and have more holidays.

  • BeachBoy0

    Fair point!

    Ok, heres a challenge, you say you have 6 weeks before you want to get back into full-time work, give me a brief of what sort of role you want, what skills you have, remuneration, location etc etc etc and I will do my best to try and find you something.

    Feel free to e-mail me rather than broadcast it all on here. Obviously I cant promise anything, but I feel duty bound to put some faith back in recruitment consultants.

  • MR_T0

    Thanks for the offer and I will keep it in mind.

    My 6 week deadline is when I will start thinking about looking for work. and thats after a 3 week break for a friends wedding.

  • BeachBoy0

    No problem