organic motion gfx

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  • 2 Responses
  • del_razor

    Hey everyone... i am about to be starting on a motion graphics project which is for the forrestry division of a local power company.. basically describing how they clear trees, how they keep "rights of way" (areas around power lines, medians, sewage covers.. etc) clean and tidy from overgrowth..

    i was wondering if any one out there has some good examples to link me to that show off some organic / natural motion techniques.. maybe some trees growing via masking techniques?

    I've got a couple of kick ass ideas.. but i wanna look around and get a full spectrum of inspiration before i try my own technique.. any help would be greatly appreciated...


  • wadafa0

    i'm not so sure i want to help a projct that's so blatently promotes activities that work directly against the greater aspirations of the consmologicla balance

  • del_razor0

    this isn't cropping... more of the way they trim tree's so they don't get entangled in power lines... and how they kill weeds and plant wildflowers in the highway medians... this company is so enviro-healthy.. they own about 85% of Georgia's Lake's some info i worked on…

    anyway then.. this kinda got shoved off the list... anyone else?