Aahh Police..

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  • Nxn

    recently i was hit of my bike by some idiot who cut me up, and totaled my bike, i was bit injured my ankle cut up, had to miss work, bla bla. Reported to police, made full statement, the guy didnt give any insurance details to me either, which is illegal i thought. Police investigate, the guy makes out it was my fault, and now has a witness, which is complete bs, he says another person was in the car, which is such shit. Police said they cant do anything and the insurance wont pay for any damages to me or my bike, bike was bout £500 and was only 3 months old. ahh. the fukin police officer didnt even know the road which i was hit on, even thou the police station is a 5 min walk from it, aha. bit pissed, all of that made no sense,

    :/ wack.

  • rasp0

    get an ambulance chaser on the go

    no win no fee etc