Intelligent upload?

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  • J

    I work on a website that has litterally TENS OF THOUSANDS OF FILES...

    We work on these most days, if not a few days a week, and at the moment when we do an upload it takes bloody ages to identify the files we've edited in the last week, copy them over, retain the directory structure, blah blah..

    does anyone out there use anything that does this for them?

    basically, i'd need it to...

    1) Give it a date to check for when files were updated.
    2) Search through the directory tree
    3) when it finds a file thatmatches the date, copy the file, and the tree to somewhere else
    4) .... err thats it..


  • ribit0

    It's called FTP Mirror Synchronization. It checks by a combination of file attributes including modification date.... and you absolutely need it for a site that size. (Ours is also huge, and we should really be using a full-on CMS publishing system, but get by with Mirror FTP).

    What platform are you on?

    There's a lot of FTP apps that will do this... For Mac: Transmit, Interarchy

    You can manually mirror your whole site or individual directories, you can setup to mirror every few seconds, or whenever you change or add a file to certain folders, or on a schedule etc.... Same for mirrored downloads, for maintaining a backup...

    You can also get 'Drop Mirror' utilities, where you drop any file or folders on an icon to upload to the appropriate location on the remote server... and use all of these in combination...