Safari v_1.grrr

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  • wideye

    So I was pretty excited when I downloaded the new Safari (1.2) because I've been hoping for more CSS + JavaScript support: little goodies like the "hand" cursor, control of form element attributes like horizontal size, text and background color in select buttons, yadda yadda.

    So naturally, I was pumped when I noticed the buttons on our site were smaller after the download. BUT, the button sizes are still dependent on the text size within it and the H size tops out at what looks like 20-25 px. Apple ignored all that other stuff I wanted.

    Thanks, Apple! Who needs cross-browser consistency? Surely not I, sir! I would not be so bold as to think of it! G'day to ya, Guv'na!

    Rob of Wideye

  • cinder0

    Request it through the bug submission.

    Apple is trying to make buttons consistant with their OS, which I can understand.

    But yeah, I wanna see nice pretty custom button design like k10k uses.

  • rasko40

    they should realise that not everybody wants the dreaded aqua buttons on their site.. cahnts.