How to add links?

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    I have a collapsable menu system that I have customized to my liking. But the one thing I can't figure out is how to add the links in the code. The menu doesn't actually appear on the stage until you view it in movie mode. I know how to change the names of the buttons but how do I add URLs?

    Here is the code. Sorry about the length:

    onClipEvent (load) {
    // -- set up names of main items here
    // -- you can add as many new sections as you want (or your computer can handle)
    mainSections = new Array("PORTFOLIO", "EXPERIENCE");
    // -- one array for each main Section -
    subSection0 = new Array("IDENTITY", "COLLATERAL", "INTERACTIVE");
    subSection1 = new Array("RESUME", "ABOUT");
    // --
    // --
    // -- build the main buttons
    for (i=0; i<mainSections.length; i++) {
    attachMovie("mainButton", "main"+i, i+100);
    myButton = this["main"+i];
    myButton.subs = this["subSection"+i];
    myButton.button.value = mainSections[i];
    myButton._x = myButton._width*i;
    // -- build subsection buttons for each main button
    for (x=0; x<myButton.subs.length; x++) {
    myButton.attachMovie("subButton... "sub"+x, x);
    mySub = myButton["sub"+x];
    mySub.button.value = myButton.subs[x];
    mySub.button.outYpos = myButton._height+(mySub._height...
    // -- function that opens the subsection on rollover
    function openSubs (target) {
    for (i=0; i<this[target].subs.length; i++) {
    subMenuCounter = 0;
    this[target]["sub"+i] = this[target]["sub"+i].button.out...
    currentOpen = target;
    // -- close subsections function
    function closeSubs (target) {
    for (i=0; i100) {
    subMenuCounter = 0;
    onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
    // -- this closes the curently open submenu if the user clicks outside of the menu
    if (!this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) {

    anyone? thanks.

  • &#9827;0

    Muy importante! Anyone?


  • &#9827;0

    would I make copies of the subButton and apply links to each one individually?

  • ozhanlion0

    what do u mean by adding url ?

    if I understand correctly;
    onClipEvent(release) {

    mybutton.getURL("here is your url", " "_blank")


    something lke that. but I warn you, putting actions on the mc's is not advised, and if you are doin such a stuff like defining and invoking function, well it would be hardass pretty soon.


  • forward0

    Code seems to be broken...
    But I´d try building another array with links and relate the links to each subButton when building them

    something like
    myButton.onPress 0 funtion()(
    //getURL or loadMovie refering to this new Array with the links you created

    Hope it helps. Good luck!

  • forward0

    I meant
    myButton.onPress =function()(

  • JazX0

    dats a lot a code