Compositing Quicktime VR in Flash

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  • pagepapa

    I am trying to composite a video into a QTVR of a monitor I can get the video in a 360 pano (one row ) as long as the video doesnt exceed the duration of the total frames in the QTVR.. I did this in Quicktime VR Authoring Studio.. As the VR is going into Flash I am trying to tween the video to the currnet shape of the screen in each frame of the QTVR and get the current frame of the video to play within the QTVR.. I will control the video seperately from the QTVR controls.. that way the video could be paused while the QTVR is being rotated ( tilt /pan)Anyone done this before in any program.

    Ideally i would like to do this in QTVR studio