FTP / Internet Explorer

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  • 187LockDown

    So I usually ftp through IE because it's very quick to access. Thing is I have an IP that I ftp into with different usernames & Passwords. On accident I hit the remember password button so now when I type My IP in it always puts me right into the last place I FTP'd into. This is really annoying. It doesn't promt me for username & Password when I log in, it just assumes I want to use a certain username, the last one I used and hit that stupid always remember my password button.

    Please help me, what do I need to do to get it to prompt me for username & password.

  • jgjh1510

    ok, in IE, go up top to:

    tools/internet options/content (tab)/AutoComplete(button)/clear all passwords(button)

    note, this will clear every one for all other sites i think.