freelance pricing variance

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  • monkeyshine

    For those of you who freelance, do you charge a different rate depending upon the client?

    I've been charging one rate to small business clients and other firms who hire me for their projects...I want to raise my rates but it seems like I should keep the cheaper rate for the firms because they're bringing me work.

    How do ya'll handle this?

  • Rodimus790

    well, I tend to change rates more based on the variety of work involved.. more flash/actionscript/backend stuff would cost more.. Although sometimes print doesn't take so long so I have to make sure that it costs enough that its worth my while..

  • nosaj0

    I set different rates depending on both the client and the type of work. I live in a pretty small city and do work for clients of all different sizes. If I was building a 10-page site for a local small business I may only quote them half the price of a 10-page site for an International client. At the same time different types of clients have different needs even with identical projects. For example, larger clients may require more complex presentations, tighter timelines, more revisions and approvals. In order to accommodate for this the price must change.