:: Free VS. Free ::

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  • freshmode

    I have noticed that when it comes to doing free work, most of us cringe, yet some how give in. We hate to do the "free" work but none the less, have some of it in our portfolios.

    Then on the other hand, folks in our industry are always looking for free stuff. Such as progs, materials, fonts, even asking for links to other sites for inspiration or examples of printed materials for inspiration.

    Nothing wrong with being inspired by others work, but shouldn't this be a last resort? And shouldn't we support the companies and people who make it possible for us to be in this industry. The giants that produce the software that we need often are hurt by the amount of piracy they face. We, on the other hand, think twice before spending the cash on new software and yet expect to get paid top dollar for our services.

    Why is that? I know this will never change, but maybe a system should be in place. Sort of like a credit check where clients can see if you are using pirated software. Or maybe a license deal where you have to display all of your software licenses in a certain area of your shop. I know this can lead to a wall full of licenses, but something of the sort should be in place.

    Adobe, Macromedia and other software companies encourage the use of demo software to learn how to use their programs. But also encourage buying the progs once you have become a decent user and plan to use them on a daily basis to make money. So that being said, piracy, whether large or small, will always be.

    How do you feel about the issue and what would you like to see in place to stop this, or not.

    I think it is time we pay back the companies that help put food on our plates.

    React. But lets stay on topic please.

  • unknown0

    If someday I have enough money I might buy software but until then I steal it and it feels good. I'm gutter stealing comes naturally

  • kpl0

    "Nothing wrong with being inspired by others work, but shouldn't this be a last resort?"

    well, if there's nothing wrong with it, why should it be a last resort? if people want to show their stuff for free, they are doing it so for their gain.

    sure, I'm all for anti-piracy, once all the software is paid off on my computer and I'm making money (neither is true right now). but I don't know what this has to do with getting free inspiration.

  • mitsu0

    ""The giants that produce the software that we need often are hurt by the amount of piracy they face."

    hurt, huh?

    apparently you never saw this:


    large companies have their own strategies for dealing with piracy... they are fine. it's the little guys that create a cool app like milkshape and ask for modest registration fees who are hurt by piracy.

    and while all that's fine and good, you have one other thing to remember. digital mediums are....


    meaning there's not lock that can't be picked. distribute your software to enough people and you're going to have to deal with piracy issues. reverse engineering is common place and writing the most cutting edge anti-piracy programs isn't going to do anything but give hackers/crackers a bigger challenge (a bigger opportunity to look better in front of his/her peers).

    i could go on and on about this, especially since i'm a biased programmer having several apps that i'll be releasing next year, but i think you get the idea.

  • freshmode0

    You ask why should inspiration be last resort. Because originality should be the first. Looking at others art work for inspiration is done everyday. But originality is what we are taught right? Isn't that the point? To create creative solutions for our clients. Not to rip someone else for our clients. Free inspiration is the same as piracy. What is wrong with it is that you are not paying the person who inspired you to create a piece you are getting paid for. That is why it should be last resort. Then the price you are asking to be paid to be inspired by someone else's piece is also wrong. If the idea isn't yours. Why get paid for it? Or why not lower the price you bid if you are going to be inspired by someone else. Or share the profits.

    As I said, piracy will always be. I just think we should give back when we become successful enough to do so.

    Companies have their privacy tactics to figure out who is doing this and what not. The fact that they are pouring this money into piracy issues instead of making the programs that much better should tell you that it is an issue.

    Spending the money when you can is better then never spending it. For the companies at least. I am sure if you bought all your warez, you wouldn't be so quick to letting your boys use it as well. It starts somewhere.

    word! More feedback please!

  • mitsu0

    "The fact that they are pouring this money into piracy issues instead of making the programs that much better should tell you that it is an issue."

    you don't really believe this do you? if so, let me tell you this isn't the case. resources are always shared out to both initiatives. companies that tell you that the cost of software is up because of piracy is insulting your intelligence.

  • unknown0

    "Free inspiration is the same as piracy."

    That's a ridiculous statement right there

    inspiration comes in many forms and the output of the inspired source changes aswell unless you talk about a 1:1 copy of somebody else's work but that's not inspiration anymore, that's theft.

  • brundlefly0

    if everybody using photoshop had to buy it the cost of the software would drop considerably....so they say....

    it was pretty damned hard to rip win XP, (so I heard) but the prices didnt drop with all the people actually using it....did it...

  • mitsu0

    "if everybody using photoshop had to buy it the cost of the software would drop considerably...."

    haha, that's cute.

  • unfittoprint0
  • mrdobolina0

    oneday all of the major software developers (adobe, macromedia etc.) will make software for linux, that would be sweet.

  • sajets0

    so when i get inspiration from a walk in the park, or watching football, or drinking beer i should pay for it? Thats stupid, inspiration isn't a thing you can pick up from shelves, it's not boxed and ready for shipping so don't talk bull!

  • kpl0

    inspiration is free. because it's thought. paying to have thoughts is thought control.

    besides, there is no such thing as total originality. you're always inspired by something, there ain't no random idea generator in the back of people's heads.

  • zaven0

    1- inspiration is free, inspiration produces ideas, inspiration can produce originality.

    think of anything you are using in this moment... it exist because of an inspiration.

    something that exist has been copied, thats a part of the game.

    2- software are too much expensive.

    in europe softwares cost double than in the usa, but the european market doesnt pay the double, you know what I mean?

  • ian0

    Sure I agree that using pirated software is wrong and it should be bought as you can afford it but the costs involved in setting up for the first time are astronomical.

    The opinion on inspiration is utter crap though, ripping off someones designs wholesale is one thing but if you see a design using helvetica which inspires you to use helvetica it deosn'y mean you should give a percentage of your fee away. Thats just shite.

  • shutdown0

    The cost of buying say, Photoshop and MX Studio for a new starter in freelance is way too much.

    I use these tools at home for training myself and playing about with a couple of personal projects that I make no money from so I cannot justify spending tons of money of software.

    I have a few copies of various applications and if the day comes where i earn enough money from something to pay for then I would (maybe)

  • phist0

    we can't even afford to buy photoshop every time its updated. if i'm making good money and can afford it, i wouldn't even think of piracy. but when you are hungry and have no choice, you gotta do what you must. corporations charge as much as they do for software so the exec's paychecks increase every year. they could care less about product and their customers. look at how they scrapped adobe type manager, that shit is the bread and butter of digital graphic design. don't side with them because they could care less about people like us.

  • mitsu0

    the bottom line is that if they really wanted to curb piracy...

    (yes, THIS is THE way to do it)

    they would LOWER the cost of their software so that noone would have any source of motivation to hack/crack the software. especially when buying it would get you support, packaging, a clear conscience and the peace of mind knowing you aren't breaking the law.

    instead, they jack the price up knowing full well many people will refuse to pay $600.00 for a cd/dvd of software and then using the piracy issue as justification for the high prices. but don't expect them to just come out and admit it.

    another reason piracy exists is because many people/end users don't hold the same value for the software as others. one user may find 3D Studio Max usefull for creating special effects for movies and extensive character modeling while others may want it to create a 3D version of their logo to export to flash and a few other basic functions that may only be available in the 3DS package. one of these users might be able to justify a sticker price that'll cost them a few months sallary, but this isn't the case for everyone. i could go on and on... there's so many factors that go into this that it's not just a clear cut issue with us, the end users, needing to support these great software developers. if that's your mentality, i can point you to a plethora of unkown developers out there who have built solid apps that rival their big corp counterparts, and you'll only have to pay a $15-$50 fee for legal use. think about it.

  • knoxel0

    yeh...software should be the same price as a playstation game. they should think of ways to make it easier to purchase, like payment plans. they should give updated versions for free to the people who have already bought a copy, so they dont have to keep buying it again every new release. these companies are going to get rich no matter what. they set the standards for us, make our jobs possible, but they are also the greed gods who are obviously paying the price themselves.