flash font prob

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  • 2 Responses
  • ctrlRmB

    I have a design created in photoshop from the designer I'm working with. My job is to translate it into flash.

    The hurdle I'm facing is with the fonts... I have the "Stone Sans" font family installed... The design uses "stone sans semibold". I can see this font o.k. in photoshop yet it doesn't offer it to me in flash. What can i do.

    It only gives me stone sans and stone sans bold.

    It's for a dynamic text field so i can't use a bitmap.

    All alternatives make the design look silly. Is there any way for me to access this font in flash.


  • unfittoprint0

    You could make a font symbol out of it and then check 'include bold' in the font symbol properties. it usually works for me.

  • tactikal20

    Unfortunately this is a MAJOR PROBLEM in flash. If there aren't to many instances of the font (i.e. its a title) You could always export it with a transparent background as a 24bit PNG. It will give you good results. You may need to adjust its positioning slightly once your in flash, that way you won't get any bitmap distortion.