flash path Q external .swfs

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  • ganon

    i have .swf which loads an external text file, and it works fine...here is the AS...:

    //first frame, root
    _root.dtxt.loadVariables ("guy01.txt");

    //MC "dtxt" then has a dynamic txt field with the variable "guytxt"

    no prob...this .swf then loads into another .swf using this AS...:

    //in the root, loading the text swf
    _root.createEmptyMovieClip ("vidmc", 1);

    //on button
    _root.vidmc.loadMovie (text.swf");

    but the external text now fails to load...i know this is a paths issue, but i cant get it...help please?...


  • nuggler0

    Don't you have to tell it _level1 since that's where vidmc is? like _level1.vidmc.loadMovie