Dreamweaver Question

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  • SF

    Anyone know how to stop dreamweaver from 'sorting list of remote files' every single frickin time I click back to it after using another app? it takes about a good 30 seconds to do this process, and its frustrating

  • paulsmith0

    You can't. Which does seem annoying but if you think about what it is doing then you will see why it is important.

    It is important to keep both sets of file in sync. Both sets being the files on your local machine and the files on the web server.

    When you refesh the list on your local machine it also refreshes the list on the server to assure that any changes made by other parties or yourself are updated in the dreamweaver "site" otherwise you could overwrite a newer file with an old one or vice versa on either the local machine or the server.

    If you really hate it then why not work on the files in dreamweaver and then upload from a seperate ftp app but for the sake of that annoyance in dreamweaver, I dont think it is worth it.

    I think in Dreamweaver MX 2004 it defaults back to the local machine file view after a refresh instead of staying in the server file view.

    Hope this clears things up for you.

  • SF0

    Thanks for that.

    I mean i understand how it works, its just that my remote server is in fact a mapped drive. So therefore i can't leave it DW sitemanager disconnected from the server till i need to transfer files. I just thought it was a bit excessive running a check everytime I flicked between apps. I work with 3 other designers, and we rely on the DW check in/ check out system to avoid overwriting. So another ftp program isnt really an option.

    Now all I have to do is beg my boss for an update to MX 2004.


  • JazX0

    yeah that sucks I know what you mean