Naming a Business

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  • kashi

    I'm starting a multi-media company and have been getting hung up trying to think of a name.

    I keep getting stuck on the same few and want to break out of the cycle.

    Any techniques/suggestions?

  • Nairn0

    Strangely, coming up with a company name is the hardest fricking thing to do - especially if there's more than one of you starting it up.

    I've got a similar problem, as we're closing down our old partnership to start anew - trouble is, I don't want to change the name (and all the fucking branding, but thankfully we never got as far as trademarking our logo, so that can stay)

    All I can suggest is: avoid using 'Whacky' animal names, especially in conjunction with significant/irrelevant numbers and colours.

    Best off choose something not-too specific, so should you change your strategy at a later date (say, to a sausage merchants) you won't be stuck with 'Joe's bespoke website co.' or whatever.

  • naldertown™0

    I'm involved with two companies. One is 'hutchhouse' which is half my surname, and the other 'naldertown' is the name of a street.

    Was pretty easy to sort really.