accessibility legislation

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  • jh0

    found something else out over the weekend - which is related.

    If you build a new house (in the UK) you have to have wide doors and accessways for wheelchairs. Now I thought this kind of legislation was for shops or public places (see this thread) but apparently it is not. Building regulations enforce accessibility on all new builds for private dwellings as well as public buildings.

    My thoughts are that this web site legislation could have the potential for being accross the board (all new web sites?) if the building precident holds.

  • sofas1

    coming to Israel next year. should have started about now but looks like gov sites aren't prepared.…
    will apply to all IL sites and generally any site that services Israelis.
    12.5K$ if you don't comply, no need to prove harm. i wouldn't be surprised if there will be a wave of class action suits.
    essentially I read this as a market entry barrier and freedom of speech problem. even if by law your exempt, you have to go through a bureaucratic process to be approved.
    i'm all for accessibility of major corp and gov sites. for smaller sites the gov could put an effort into developing better accessibility tools to mediate them, not force them to comply.

    • i know that forcing foreign sites to comply is impractical, but IL has strange policies in this field, especially regarding censorship and hate speechsofas
    • there are people in the USA who make a good living just suing small biz that don't comply with accessibility legslationGnash
    • lawyers send disabled 'testers' into businesses to determine if the business complies. then sues themGnash
    • @Gnash interesting and disturbingsofas
    • it's terrible, a complete abuse of the systemGnash