contest for NTers

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  • 3 Responses
  • abizzyman

    Hiya folks ---

    I've told some of you about this... but i was hoping all of you would help.

    i recently purchase '' and need to get moving on.

    What it is:
    Well, it's like this -- I was working for this local mag - did all the design and art-directed all the photoshoots except for the fashion.

    One day - one of my photographers was running late. I called him - he assured me that we would be fine. All we had to do was toss up a couple of lights - have me jump in there as 'subject Y' and shoot about 3 poloraids to get things right - then we'd have the model move into position (he referred to him as Subject X).

    And then it hit me. - a land of polaroids. All shots of photographers assistants - art directors etc - in the actual position of the model - right before the model was inserted into the scene.

    I've already been swarmed by local photographers ready to have their images uploaded.

    the thing is - I'm really bizzy at the moment - and I haven't even got a logo.

    This is going to be a photo-community type site that I hope will grow... and is free for anyone who wants to upload or be a part.

    but I need a logo.

    That is my contest - I want you guys to design anything -- and me and the boys in the studio here in phx will decide what logo we will do.

    I want something not related to photography. :) Like - the logo is a deer - or something like that. something silly and creative - yet well produced.

    I'm even thinking that if some of these logos are too hard to judge that we can rotate them - just like DIK rotates their backgrounds.

    Anyone interested?

    It would be motivation for me to really get this thing off the ground.

  • elevate0

    got anything online that may inspire us and would communicate your concept?

  • abizzyman0


    ... i think i was looking for inspiration from you guys. But what I'll do is post some original poloraids in the next day or two -- i don't know if that would be too inspiring - but i'll keep you posted.

  • elevate0
