deviant art humor

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  • myobie

    i just was thinking a few minutes ago about what this one guy told me and i though many of you here would find this humorous...

    Me: "Where did that picture come from you used for that poster there."

    Them: "This guy form alabama university made it for me. He was telling about this great site to get images to use for posters like this, deviantart i think it was."

    Me: "Did you just take the picture from there?"

    Them: "I didn't have anything to do with this poster, but they might have...why?"

    Me: "Most of that stuff is people's personal work, you cannot take that."

    Them: "..."

    I wonder what some people think sometimes. This guy would never take stuff from others like that, but to think his friend probably did is sad, and yet the stupidity is humorous to me.

    What are people thinking sometimes...