Cyber Squatting

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  • stimuli

    I know there's been a post recently about this but I thought I'd start another thread.

    Been looking for new URLs recently and every single one I think of has already been registered by people with no intention of using it. Every time I hit either a "sever could not be found" error or a search engine page.

    It got me thinking about laws and regulations for the web. I thought about a probationary period where the url could sit unused. After that, proof must be given of intent to develop a site, with the finished/temporary site introduced before the end of another period.

    What do you guys think? Feasible? Any other suggestions?

  • unknown0

    buying names is a big business. business means money. and money is power

  • lind0

    Some people buy domain names just to have a personalized email address without any intention of building a website.

    Some people plan to build a business with the domain, but since they have dozens of other businesses, they never get around to it.

    And some people buy domains like buying baseball cards. That sucks.