hourly rate?

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  • 22 Responses
  • mbr0

    The difference is people are thinking 50 is a lot. I can't imagine a firm billing a client for less than $80 per hour for any ecmployee, and more for the higher ups.

    So even though 15 k may look like a lot for someone freelancing, it is nothing for a firm. Typically, a firm will bill for at least 3 times what they pay you, so if you are making $16 and hour, that's at least 50 they bill out, but probably much higher. You simply could not pay over head without it or get ahead.

    So I agree, 15 k seems like nothing for this type of site. A good game will be seriuos development and problem solving, not just making another site.

    I know in my business, the fist large bid I put in (to a friends company, so I had an inside scoop as to the other bids) I was less than 1/3 of the next bid, but I thought it was huge cash.

    Things to keep in mind. $50 per hour freelancing, with no over head, is not too bad, but for a firm to bill out an entire site for that would be suicide.

  • Aproject0

    Well... I know I'm saving some of the responses to this thread for future reference - never know when you're gonna need some back up artilary on a tightass client ;D