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  • chokethefat

    check it out! every last wed of every month here in TO, we have a flashinTO (created by the peeps responsible for FlashintheCan festival)gathering of all newmedia( n of all kind)designers/coders...have a few talks, presentations, hangout sess, booze, then comes the event where codes, designers take turn (about 10min per person but it never happens haha..u get hooked in easily) to create nice interesting flash pieces..friendly , collaborative event..:) freestyle and jamming..
    i've chucked in a few deekons codes in the relayfunction3, piece named "go psykau eyeball"..nearly called it "go psykhau donut" instead cos i thought it was a donut..honestly, c for urself..

  • chokethefat0

    aahh..choke the dude in the yellow top!