Interior Design
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- 10 Responses
- jeedoubleu
Does any one know any interior design sites or studios? Hype ones though.
- xrusos0
bump... i want to know too.
- ********0
- instantok0
hutsachsuniversal is still the best ive seen though
- instantok0
add .coms to both of those...sorry im a little out of it...there is a snake somewhere in my disturbed to say the least...ick
- mayo0
wow! really instantok? what kind of snake? i hope you're not phobic of them. i love reptiles, my roomie doesn't, so i did not get a new lizard when my last one died. I did, however, buy sea monkeys this weekend to keep in my office at work. :) which has nothing to do with anything.
- instantok0
well i havent actually seen the snake yet...what happened was my roommate picked up a shoebox to throw at a roach (about two inches long and competely gross on its own) and when the shoebox fell a snakeskin came tumbling out of it...the roach was subsequently disposed of with a stick and some 409...the snake has yet to show itself...oh...i am also the biggest frady-cat in the world and i am terrified of creepy crawly things...especially moths...moths are awful...can u imagine if a moth flew in you ear and got stuck!?!?!?!?...jeepers...
- instantok0
ooh...i forgot to mention...i live with 3 other designers and a total of 5 computers 4 video game consoles etc...meaning there are wires efffing everywhere...and i think every single one of them is a snake...its in my sheets...i know its in my sheets
- instantok0
hehe...sorry jeedub...i kinda got off track...
what up philly...they run the amazingly awesome 222gallery
effing snakes