The Dears
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- 8 Responses
- K_Fresh
Has anyone seen these guys live? Apparently they are coming to this hole next week and their music is pretty spanky. Yeah?
- unknown0
have you hard that new band 'The The The The'
- K_Fresh0
James Stone of Engagestudio, you my friend are a jerkface with a closed mind. Yeah that's right! Rabbit punches all around...
- chug0
Yeah i saw them last weekend (Victoria long weekend for you canucks) at the Horseshoe in Toronto....
THEY WERE AMAZING!!! They do a GREAT live show ... i thought it woudl be all pansy and weak, but they fuckin ROCKED!! Yeah, the singer is amazing, and he came right into the audience and stood in front of me...
they played for an hour and a half, too ... it was great
have a nice tuesday, cheers
- unknown0
Sorry I've had enough of 'The' bands!
- unknown0
Whereas you are 'The jerkface'
- K_Fresh0
Hey..I'm no jerkface, jerkface. I assure you. I wouldn't call them a the band so stop being a "the band" bandwagon jumping swamp donkey. Hate on..but they've been around longer than that.
Thanks Chug..I will be seein them. Halifax rarely attracts decent shows so I've got my fingers crossed... You've got me stoked!
- exador0
caught them last month when they opened up for Matthew Good here in Toronto..
pretty good band to see live..
the dears ...'specially that one tune they have on the radio these days..
anyhow...not too shabby..still think the guy kinda sounds like he's trying to channel Morrisey...but hey...whatever works...
still good to have seen em live..they put on a good show..
not as good as Matthew Good, but not bad..
- unknown0
I make a joke... and you come on like 'a hater', you moron! 3 words for you 'The Rolling Stones'