Job trends?

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  • 7 Responses
  • nuggler

    I don't just mean design jobs. There aren't too many of those, as far as I can tell.
    If you had to find a job, where would you go? I've tried Safeway, Kinko's, the Post Office, now starting to look for dishwashing jobs... nothing yet. It's been a couple of years since I was making 65k doing Flash... I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I'm just wondering, where am I supposed to be?

  • lind0

    I hope you're joking about the dishwashing job -- not that it's bad -- an honest wage...

    I checked your site, and if you market yourself more as a graphic/web designer , there seems to be more opportunities than for flash designers. I've noticed there isn't much corporate flash sites as there used to be.

    To answer your question, the trend seems to be homeland security -- government contractors specializing in this. Boring and unglamorous but it is job security...

  • shellie0

    youre in sanfran, right? thats a pretty harsh city to be in. its much better in LA for jobs. in sanfran you have girls with masters degrees working as waitress' and they still cant get enough shifts to make the rent. there's something wrong with that.

    have you ever thought about teaching? like at an art high school. I know when i went to orange county high school of the arts some of my teachers did not have teaching creds. and got the job because theyre "working professionals" and can teach us what we need to know to be artists in the real world. i learned a lot from all of them and actually most of what i use at work today i learned in high school.

    i bet there are schools like that around where you live. you should contact and try to set up a meeting before shcool is out for next fall and spring semester. i bet you could make up some pretty fun classes too.

    "storyboarding for flash 101" ;)

    you can always fall back on teaching. i know there is also a school like the one i went to in LA called LACHSA or something. (la county hs of the arts). and there's also:
    Art Boarding Schools College Prep. Most of those schools are very super.. crazy hard core tho. like:
    happy Valley Boarding school (dont know much about that one)

    Idyllwild Arts Academy <-veryveryvery awesome school.

    The Thacher School <--even cooler school.

    hoep that helps.

  • nuggler0

    Thanks for the thoughtful replies. Teaching is something I've thought of - I have a friend teaching Flash at CCAC, I'm going to try to sub for him.
    Dishwashing does sound kind of pathetic for an old guy like me, but I'm going to take the first dumb job I can find so I can pay off some bills and rethink my game plan...

  • shellie0

    you could change some kids life if you really do want to teach. i had a teacher named "mr.ed" who tought me illustrator and showed me i could use what i leanred to get a real job and make real money. he totally changed my life. i was just at that school for fun so i could draw all day, but nevr put any serious thought into what i wanted to be.. and he totally guided me in the right direction.

    think about it... a cool school could be fun. try going for a private school if you dont have a teaching degree (or whatever it is you need to teach in public schools). good luck. ;)

  • unknown0

    i had the same thoughts as you.. i was wondering where i could find a job... finally i found my luck in the distribution ... (don't know the word in english) : wholesale ?
    basicalyy i work for the guys that supply retail chains ..
    there is a growin demand there.. not a lot of specialists..

  • unknown0

    Sell everything you own, sell whatever your parents have and put them in a one bedroom apt. and head for Hollywood. It seems that while everyone is starving they have no problems making billions of dollars. If that doesn't work definitely try becoming a music artist.

    I'm pissed of too. Why wasn't I born 10 years earlier.

  • piperboytoy0

    seen your site before. nice work tho.

    I think you should try to market yourself also as an illustrator. Try to get extra work that way. Or even do t-shirt graphics for clothing companies.

    Also your portfolio isn't very well planned. I like the home page, but the links seems to take me to another interface. not good.

    Good luck man, we've all been through the tough times. hang in there.

    A friend of mine was on welfare for over 3 years and now he's a creative director at a fashion company. So there is hope for everyone.