rock the vote.belgium
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- 26 Responses
- tank
who are you going to vote for?
what is going to be the outcome?
- mennik0
coming from left > agalev
now probably to medium right > spirit, spa, vldhope it ain't christian's tho.
- Stanton0
probably la or nva.. i don't know yet
- tank0
i really hate stefaan de clerq..has anyone seen that newspaper of the vlaams blok..with a picture of verhofstadt with his pants down..tsjeesus..we should also put a graphic cordon sainitaire around the vlaams blok..its was a fucking disgrace!!!!
- Stanton0
tank who are you gonna vote for?
- tank0
spa.i think vandenbroucke did some good work in the social sector..they meen wel overall..i hope
- Stanton0
You have to vote for who you think might be good, but vandenbroucke?! man i can't stand that guy, he burned money and spa think migrants should be able to vote too.
- tank0
yep,he burnt mobey..but thats what the press maked of it.
they blew it all out of proportion...just like the visa-card scandal.and yes i tinkmigrants should vote to..if they pay taxes,than its their right to vote..
- tank0
money that is..but hey burning mobey should also be a good idea
- fues0
I think I'm going very small this time.. Vivant or something..
Established parties suck anyway..
- tank0
yeah,vivant is cool.but i think theytejust to small..btw..were you at the multimedia madness in kortrijk?
- fues0
Euh no..
They asked me to do something but as I am employed now it's very hard to find some time and during weekends I usually get drunk or something :-)Were you there? What was it like?
- tank0
no but tom(ximera) was there and he said it was very good..but i tought you were the one who is going to work for hi-res...and tom said he was this is sounding a little bit confusing..nevermind..
- Stanton0
My friends got a job offer from because of their cdrom.
I heard multimedia madness was great. I was in kortrijk that day, but i couldn't stay for mmm. Too bad...
- Stanton0
wrong thread, my mistake
- tank0
belgium rules newstoday.
- fues0
What a mess!
I had to stand in a row for more than 30 minutes..
- Stanton0
me too, glad it's over. i wonder who's gonna win.
- fues0
My back is still aching from that waiting..
- Stanton0
so did you vote for vivant like you said?
i voted lib. apel for kamer en cd&v for senaat.
- fues0
Yes I did, but just because I'm anti-politics.
And if I voted blank, my vote would go to that big guy in black with the big eyebrows so this was my best alternative.