<--- my boss is an asshole

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  • kodap

    no page to view just thought I would state that my boss is the epitome of what is wrong in the world. He makes 14 million dollars promoting stocks and bitches about giving me my meagre 300 dollar bonus. The guy doesn't respect people and one day he will have nothing and will be grovelling on the streets for money(this part is not bloody likely but in a perfect world it would happen) Well have a great weekend everyone, mine will be spent angry and full of hatred. On a good note my creative juices are flowing! what a dick!

    (may 09 03)

    nice words.

  • bhawk0

    Ya i wish karma was for real.

  • piperboytoy0

    me 2. then there would be less cheap asshole bosses around.

  • Turtle0

    Patience grasshopper....Karma DOES exist!

    A buddy of mine ( you know who you are) ussed to work for another company years ago..most of his bosses were cool....but there was one boss...who was a total moron/tyrant/asswipe/...ect.
    If the boss had a bad day...he would ENSURE that my buddy had a worse day...well my bud got a new job at a better company...making more than his boss, and this company has done buisness with the old one...now his old boss fetches HIM coffee!!

    what goes around comes around....have patience!

    I recently bumpped into an old boos of mine...now by nature I'm a really peacefull guy....but this man inspired thoughts of INCREDIBLE hatred and voilence in me. Well he's now mopping floors in a truck stop in a tiny little nowhere town!! So i purposefully stompped mud all over his freshly mopped floor!!

    ahhhh life is good!...have patience!