Laptops..full time?
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- K_Fresh
Does anyone design 100% on a laptop? I'm thinking about getting one to replace my dead desktop but I'm not sure if I'll be able to design as well on a laptop because of size issues... And..while I'm at it..can anyone recommend any decent PC laptops? (I can't trade in any gold bars for a Mac)
- Danski0
Been there, came back. It's great at first but as soon as you want to upgrade, or you have a defective component, you're fucked.
- Blueman0
Dell Dimesion are good. Although my dads screen burnt into the lcd. Laptops have a tendency to overheat if you're on them all the time. I wouldn't design 100%on a laptop.
- mitsu0
dude, you gotta get a dell
dude, they gotta get a new spokesman
- K_Fresh0
Haha....thanks Steve. I'll get right on that.
- unfittoprint0
I've started working on my laptop, and the size thing isn't actually an issue. In fact you become more standard friendly when working at 1024X768...
- jgjh1510
Work on laptop 100% @ home, desktop 100% @office.
Things to consider about laptop work:
1. Without secondary monitor, colors look different on LCD at different angles, so a secondary monitor is good. You can also have the LCD at big resolutions and second monitor at 800x600.
My laptop is dell 1.2G , 512 ram. It is always turning on the fans to cool it down when I'm in photoshop or Fireworks and when I'm viewing CPU intense SFW's. The fans are annoying.
I think next computer purchase ffor home production work will definatley be a solid desktop machine.
Hope I gave some helpful info!
- xrusos0
i do all freelance work on my laptop. it's great to be able to go to a coffee house or beer garden or park to work. however i'd recommend a mouse or trackball for precise photoshop work - the track pad is good, but i have spazzy fingers.
as for web standard sizes, if i designed a sites for my resolution (1440x900), my clients would kill me!
i always design for less than 800 wide. (772 to be exact)
- xrusos0
my fan rarely turns on. i haven't hooked up my laptop to a second monitor yet (surprising since i have been using 2 monitors for 6 years now on my desktops). - i think that's because i'd rather design outside or in a coffee house/bookstore.
- J_Treehorn0
I also do some freelance on my laptop, print and web jobs