Quote/Estimating Flash work...

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  • jgjh151

    I have been working with Flash for a while now on personal and side projects. I am starting to get lots of flash projects coming in with the company I work with. I am not good at giving precise estimates/quotes on how long the flash work will take. Seems I always under estimate how long it will take. I end up doing most of the work on my own time. Mostly becuase I underestimated time and because I want it to look kick -ass.

    So Do you know any formulas or techniques for coming up with a more presice quote/estimate for flash work? Maybe some online reading on the topic or your personal ways of doing it?

    Thanks all and Happy Easter.

  • unknown0

    I ran into this prob the other day. There are so many variables but start with 2 things: Your hourly rate and the scope of the project.

    With a decent map of the entire project in front you, it will be easier to "guestimate" how long it will take. But there will always be changes here and there to alter that map. Average out how long it will take you to develop and implement each section or site and multiply those hours by your hourly rate. Plus or minus 10% on the end of that is not a bad idea.

    Of course, I am no expert on this pricing gig. Different every time.

    Hope this helps,

  • Mick0

    Before I quote jobs I do this...

    - sketch thumbnails of the key frames in the animation. (then estimate how many hours to create these key frames
    - try and guess how many hours of scripting to add interactivity (estimate hours)
    - guess how many elements need to be drawn (estimate hours for this)

    Add the hours for the above and add an extra 20% for just putting it all together.

    The more flash work you do, the more snips of code you will gather for your scripting and it will be come much quicker for you to do the tricky stuff.

  • JazX0

    I would find out the exact details and then judge it from there. Of course your average client is a numbskull and will tell you some dumb shit, but use your instincts.