relationship - need help

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  • 7 Responses
  • kote

    ok - been seeing this girl 14 months. Everything was so good - she wouldnts stop asking me when I was going to marry her....talking about being with me forever, etc. - I once tried to break up with her because i was falling so hard - told her I was scared. She assured me I was the only one she would ever be with and ever wanted to be with, for the rest of her life.

    So then I get busy with work - long hours from home, and she would come over. I couldnt spend the time I had before - had to work, had to make something better for both of us. So I buy a ring - valentines day i was going to give it to her. she broke up with me the monday before. We got back togehter for a couple weeks and then I messed up again. i took her to a confrense and didnt involve her at all. She was pissed. whats worse is she said she wanted to leave and so I walked her tot he train station, gave her a kiss, and went bacl to the party,

    I know I messed up. Two weeks later she broke it off.

    I apologized for it - went to her house the next day to try top work it out. Sje wasnt having it. she also said she had been dating someone.

    I ahve tried to work it out, express my love for her, work trhought he issues...she seemed willing to try to work it out. I saw her a week ago today - it was wonderful. I hadnt seen/hear from her in a week because she went on vacation to see her friend in NC. So anyway, i take her to dinner and we talk. I listen most of the time, just wanting to be there for her. Then we came back here and hung out. I said I was glad she came over, and she said the same. That she was enjoying spending time with me. She grabbed me at the end of the night at her car with a big girlfriend kinda hug. It felt good. She even had a look like 'Why arent you kissing me"

    Well, I called on tuesday, and said I had fun. That I was happy to see her and was looking forward to seeing her again. She never called back. I wait a day and acall her back, inviting her to go out with me on friday (VIP tickets). She doesnt call back. So I call her back - a little angry - twice on thursday night, leaving long messages about how I am hurt and she shouldnt play wit me, and how she is the love of my life. Once more on friday during the day to tell her I meant what i said the night before and that I simply miss her.

    and still havent heard back. So - throw it to the wind? i trully love this girl, but if she cant call me back, wtf? What is happening that I am not seeing or dont want to see? And how do I win her back for good? Or can I?

  • taragee0

    wtf happened to "my last girl post ever - i promise"

  • kote0

    no one was repesponding...

  • kote0

    sorry everybody - just hurting a little still.

  • unknown0

    While your here typing like a jagoff, i'm giving it to her, three input style, yeah!


  • niku0

    no problem.

    i've been there many times.

    the thing that's hard is not becoming obsessed with calling, and getting all the answers. it sounds corny, but i think if you really like this girl, you gotta take it easy, and just kinda lay low...that's the hardest thing in the world to do, but if she loves you as much as you do her, things can be worked out with time.

    i it works out for ya man

  • kote0

    I wont call again - promised myself that.

    yo 4 - thanks for being a jerk off in my time of need. Appreciate you.

  • bent0

    Sorry Kote man, but you really are just asking for it. I suggest just letting the thread die and talking to some real life people.