godspeed you black emperor!
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- K_Fresh
Has anyone seen them live? I just read in the local paper that they are going to be playing in the next couple weeks. Can't wait to go....
- Bio0
missed their concert in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago. they played on a tuesday and i had to work early the next day.
my best friend saw them though. said the show was fantastic. they were touring with Bardo Ponds. said bardo ponds was ok, but GYBE was fantastic!
damned sorry i couldnt make it. go, it sould be worth your time and money. definitly!
- Bitlounge0
You go see them.
I saw a GYBE concert, here in Lisbon, last year and it's pretty intense...
- ********0
Supposed to be very powerful.
- kerus0
their sound doesn't really fit their name. i was expecting something much faster and heavier. oh well!
- boeser0
I've seen them in Amsterdam and they played really good. If you like the cd's you'll probably like the concert
- poopmonkey0
amazing experience, definately worth going to.
- kgreene0
i second that. i saw them last sunday in st.louis. they were great. they had a really screwed up story though. i quess on their way to stl they were in oklahoma and stopped to get gas. a lady at the station passed a note to the cashier saying that GYBE might be a group of terrorists. (i kid you not) the next thing they know is they are surrounded by local cops and then 2 hours later the are being interrogated by the FBI. finally they believed that they were a canadian band on tour and appologized and let them go. man this country is really messed up, its all based on fear.
- slow0
go see them, you won't be dissapointed. I saw them a couple of years back. I was blown away, really intense and beautiful.
- Redmond0
They're supposed to be excellent live. Some people I know saw them and they were quite excited about it afterwards.