combo box: detect if its open...

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  • 1 Response
  • jgjh151

    I have a Flash UI Combo box on stage. I want to be able to know when it is
    open and when it is closed. I was in debugger mode trying to see if I could
    find any properties, hidden to me, and I see that it showed one called
    "open". As I opened and closed the combo box in debugger mode, the "opened"
    value would read true when open, and false when closed.

    So I try:

    this.onEnterFrame = function(){
    if (menu1_cb.opened = true) {

    I get nothing. I kinda expected this. I couldn't find any documentation on
    this type of property for the combo box.

    Know if this is do-able?
    Where can I find some documentation?

    Thanks all!

  • jgjh1510


    Also tried:


    Didn't make a diff.