apache web server help?

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  • deGa


    I currently own this domain www.kevindega.com. Now I would like to host it using my computer. My friend had mention that i could use apache web server to do this. He also said that i can host it like http://www.kevindega.com from my computer. Looking at the apache documentation im having troubles trying to figure out how to set it up..could someone who has done this give me hand. *you can do this right...i mean im not trying to setup a ftp server..i want to setup my website using the domain name that i own.


  • sp0

    you will need a static ip address and more than likely you will need to set up a dns server.

    if you have an old computer laying around i suggest installing a linux flavor and using it as a dns/firewall box.

    there are plenty of tutorials online about dns/bind, firewalls, linux and apache.

    on a side note: setting up an ftp server, a webserver, a database server a mail server and/or a dns server all require the same fundamental things.

  • Koalition0

    For dynamic DNS check..

  • CAJTBr0

    if you've got a static IP already, just ask the company you bought the domain from to set the www. subdomain to resolve to your IP address.

    it's generally not a good idea to put a web server behind a firewall. if you have a network behind a firewall and a web server on that network, anyone hacking the web server (which HAS to be accessible to anyone on the internet) has got access to your network. if you're going to use a firewall, stick it in between your web server and your network (in this case a single computer) and don't keep any personal data on the web server. that way if someone gets into it, your only problem is to sort out the web server, rather than having to sort out your entire network and worry about what data they might have gotten.

  • sp0

    hm, i don't know what network you run, but you always keep all servers behind a firewall. and, if you configure it right and know what you're doing then it is the best procedure.


    especially if you do any information gathering or e-biz.