copyright ?

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  • o0o

    I want to use these images in a project:…

    It's for a friends illustration portfolio, I want to collage them into the interface.
    At the bottom is a copyright link.. it says the information is in the public domain.. so is it cool for my purposes?

  • TwinLobe0

    It probably depends on if the portfolio is for "educational" or "commercial" purposes. Take a look at the linked PDF on that site. Here's an excerpt:

    Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered “fair,” such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

    If the portfolio is used for employment purposes, then it would probably be classified as "commercial."

    Although with this being said, they ARE pretty cool images... and the worst thing that could happen is to be instructed to take them down.

    Has anyone had direct experience with "fair use" or copyright infringement?