site check

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  • 5 Responses
  • silver

    if you have less to do right now, could you please see if things work on this site I am making…

    design is low-fi and the content is part norwegian and english I know, but please report if you experience strange things. I am on Mac.

    And what is the overall feel?


  • CAJTBr0

    all looks fine.

    i noticed some coding errors which might affect the way it looks in some browsers. couple of examples:

    in the events page you have two closing html tags (with a bunch of extra closing tags in between them).

    You've doubled up tags without putting anything in between. i notice you have some <td>spacer</td>s - brs have to have something in between them in some browsers to have any effect, eg you have


    could be fixed with


    or better still

    Brussel<br />
    &nbsp<br />

    to conform with xhtml while still being compatible with old netscape (though it doesn't matter as the rest of the code doesn't conform & you have iframes anyway).

    but this is just tiny stuff, it all looks and feels nice, simple and clean overall and seems quite functional. out of interest, are you using some way to update it other than just editing the html?

    --apologies if code egs don't display right, it was a mess of &amps

  • unknown0

    Sure looks neato!

    Wanted to say the same as CAJTBr, actually.

    some redundant closing text....

    and I am also in favor of XHTML coding...for better display on the gazillion of browsers/systems out there......

  • unknown0

    closing TAGS i meant..(ofcourse)

  • dequinix0

    I like. Pretty much my kind of simpleness.

    One thing I would do is maybe do a hover and take out the underlines for the top menu, but that's a personal preference.

  • silver0

    "brs have to have something in between them in some browsers to have any effect " - ahh, I have some serious job to do then with all my sites... Do you know wich browsers do this?

    "two closing html tags " - how did that happen...

    I make the sites in GoLive and are doing more and more visual editing without checking the html - as you noticed. Making room for errors, but I think it's quite clean in things it does.

    I will look into the xhtml-thing. Not shure how to make it easy with GoLive Mac without manually rewrite. I'll check and learn.

    Top links without underline would be great. How can I do this with css but still keep underline on the rest of the liks (without making gifs, for the case of it)?

    I just editing html to update. Do you suggest any publishing sollutions (that goes well with golive and mac). I am not much into it as yet, but I know some programmers taking a gazillion bucks for making simple systems. Please advise of methods if you have one.

    Thanks again.