is CANON EOS300 any good?

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  • chokethefat

    i'm in vacation in singapore rite now, bought a manual cam canon eos300 ..couldnt afford more than it any good to take nice, close to professional photographs?
    there's something wrong with it too, the meter readings when lookin in the lens are that ok?!

    help me pls...thx.

  • CAJTBr0

    'near professional' - you can take professional photos with this camera. the only difference between this and (eg) an eos 3 in terms of the quality of pictures will be caused by the fact that the viewfinder only shows you 90% of the frame, and that there is no mirror lock up facility.

    otherwise, if you put an eos 300 on a tripod, an eos 3 (or 1v or whatever) on one next to it with the same lens on, focus on the same point, set the same exposure, the photos should be pretty much identical. the only difference is the higher end ones have a lot more features (eg more frames per second, more focusing points, eye control).

    the actual quality of the photos is just to do with how good you are at taking them, and how good your lens is.

    about the meter readings: it's not too much of a problem as the eos 300 only has 1 dial for altering settings, so you'll have to look at the top lcd while you're altering aperture/shutter speed anyway. but it could get very annoying, especially if you're shooting stuff at night - take it back and switch it if you get the chance.

  • unknown0

    It's seem like a good SLR camera. But its a 35mm. Most 'profesional' photographers I know use medium format for stuff like magazine or publicity. I captures a lot more detail than the 35mm can. The most important item in a camera is not the body but the lens. If you want better pictures, Invest in good lenses.

    p.s. J'aime beaucoup ton site.

  • CAJTBr0

    journalists, sports photographers, ceremony photographers etc still more usually use 35mm (or digital now). if you look through a freelancers handbook you'll see that most magazines, photolibraries, etc prefer 35mm transparencies for colour submissions. medium (and large) format are most prevalent in fashion, landscape, art and advertising. but you'd have to spend 10x the price of an eos300 to get a new medium format setup, so i doubt that's an option for him.

  • chokethefat0

    cheers 4 the advices n xpertises...
    starting shooting with the cam..startin to like it..its a good cam after all..produce decent professional looking photos..

    thx to montreal for ur support to
    u r in toronto? or montreal?


  • unknown0

    hey thierry! Alors t a toronto deja? Moi, je suis toujours a montreal.

    Quoi de neuf? C'est toi qui a fait les sounds sur ton site? C'est vraiment super. J'adore. Je travaille sur mon site. Pas encore online mais l'address c'est Je sait pas trop quoi faire avec. :) Hey si jamais j'ai besoin de l'aide du coter audio, tu pourra me donner un coup de main? C'est pas mon fort.

    Alors salut. Laisse moi savoir qu'est-ce qui ce passe avec toi.

  • chokethefat0

    he salut montreal, tout baigne?

    non, suis pas a toronto deja...mais j'y serai cet s'approche effectivement.

    en ce moment meme, suis a singapore pour les vacs, et aussi pour promouvoir le projet deekons.
    ces derniers temps, j'avais des problemes avec mon domainname crois c fixe et tout maintenant..j'espere.

    ouais, j'ai travaille sur l'audio pour le site, j'ai une passion pour la musique electronique et xperimentale..ah oui..pas d'problemes mon gars, je serai ravi de t'aider. ton site sera a propos d'quoi au fait? tu bosses? ou t'etudies toujours?

    ok prends soin..a la prochaine!
    bonne annee 2003!