best line from a movie
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- tank
for instance
peach?i could eat a peach for hours
- afriend0
it’s a sick question, you’re a sick fuck and i’m not that sick that i’m gonna answer it. i’m not telling anything. i’m gonna leave. if lenora calls, tell her i went home. i’m not staying in this nuthouse, cause you’re a sick man. i feel sorry for you, i really do. you know what you should do – try a little more fuckin and a little less eatin. you won’t have troubles upstairs in your bedroom. and you won’t take it out on me and everybody else. you understand you fucking wacko? you’re crackin up.
- Joe Pesci, Goodfellas
- unknown0
"At the end of the day, i'm the c**t with the pool que, and yu can have the fat end of it in yur puss any tame ya lake." (scottish accent)
Begbie, Trainspotting
- ********0
"make way for the bad-guy"
- ********0
"i love it when a plan comes together"
or something like that :/
- b34r0
"Hell I like you... you can come over to my house and fuck my sister."
Sgt Hartman - Full Metal Jacket.---
"Shop Smart - Shop S-mart."
Ash - Army Of Darkness.---
"On my command, unleash hell."
General Maximus Decimus Meridus - Gladiator.theres soooo many... :)
- reluct0
"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the war room!"
Doctor Strangelove. And how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.
- huw0
Baibbeeee Rrruuthhh!
- Sapphire0
"Fuck You"
-Danny Glover
Alien 2
- Sapphire0
i swear, that was the best line ever.
- cajo0
"I am going to run away with your wife!"
Brad pitt - Ocean elevan's - Second time he answers the barman.
- sugarman0
"It puts the lotion on the skin."
- mitsu0
"wax on, wax off"
-arnold, from happy days.
- Seph0
Jiveman1: Sheeeet, man, that honkey mus' be messin' my old lady got to be runnin' col' upsihd down his head!
Jiveman2: Hey Holm, I can dig it! You know he ain't gonna lay no mo' big rap upon you man!
Jiveman1: I say hey sky, s'other say I won say I pray to J I get the same ol' same ol.
Jiveman2: Knock yourself a pro slick. Gray matter back got perform' us' down I take TCBin, man'.
Jiveman1: You know wha' they say: See a broad to get that bodiac lay'er down an' smack 'em yack 'em.
- zan0
I like polyester a little bit.
from Hallway and doorways
- Kael0
"There's a flipside to that coin... just say you do have me boxed in... and I gotta put YOU down... cause no matter what.. YOU WILL NOT GET IN MY WAY..."
Deniro, Heat
- Kael0
another Heat reference - modified
- iodine740
"two dollars! I want my two dollars!"
- unknown0
i dont know if it was said...but pacino in scarface:
- chook0
again, dont know if theyve been said...
withnail and I-
"i fuck arses? who fucks arses? maybe he fucks arses?"
"we want the finest wines available to humanity. we want them here. and we want them now"
fear and loathing-
"i remember my friend from earlier. he made a fool of himself."
- paulrand0
Withnail and I-- great one