which 3D program should i use... post in this one

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  • suffix

    okay, i'm a mac guy and i'm getting a PC for corss platform development...and getting the PC has opend the option for lots of 3D apps... so i am trying to decide which one i'm going to get profecient in....

    So what should i use?
    Maya, 3D studio Max, or Softimage XSI?

  • chach0

    Max ships with mental rey now too.
    You can use Final Render to render scenes in 'chunks' so that you can get a much higher resolution than would normally be possibe on a single machin. FR might have support for other apps soon.

    XSI or 3dsmax

  • Retro0

    HAHA chach, i can't believe you replied to a topic which was started in June last year.

    Anyway, all this software has improved a heap by now.

    I recommend Cinema 4D XL or XSI.

    Cinema is module based so thats cool, the renderer is quality and extremely fast. Just released a new sketch n toon module which i haven't tested but apparently its the bomb.

    XSI is really high-end. If you can afford it, get it.