Dont Panic! Its James&Joe.

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  • stitchmag

    Hi guys,
    We have entered a competition to design the cover of Don't Panic.
    The winner is the design that receives the most votes.
    Please vote for ours (its under James Callahan),
    If you vote you will:
    1) get a kiss of either James or Joe (you choose)
    2) if you email us your address we will post out a limited edition signed James&Joe card.
    To vote simply go to the below address:…
    Register (only takes a few seconds & is a cool site anyway), then vote for our wonderful design.
    They will send you an email to confirm your vote, click the link and away you go, free kisses and a card.
    If you forward us the vote conformation email that Don't panic sends back and add your address, we will send out a limited edition card and arrange a time for the kiss.
    The kiss is only there for those that want it.
    Thanks, wish us luck!